Ever Bilena's Blush Glow VS Lip and Cheek Stain

My bare face is deadly, like literally dead. I am so pale without makeup, not even a touch of blood on my cheeks or lips. You may think I am exaggerating but uh oh no! Hahaha I wonder if it's because I'm anemic or what, I really don't know. How do you naturally get pink glowing cheeks? Maybe I should slap or pinch my face first.

Just recently, my very conservative workmate made me try her cheek and lip stain from Ever Bilena. I am not really a fan of EB because I think that they usually copy other brand's packaging (is it just me?). Well on the other hand their products are very affordable and can be bought in leading drugstores and malls like Watsons, Mercury Drug, etc. I tried it and it was a baaaam! I love it! I also found out that Ellen Adarna uses a lips and cheek stain for her natural glowing look featured on Kris TV. Though she did not mention that it was from EB, the packaging looks like it and a lot of bloggers had been raving about it. 

I did go to Watsons later that day to purchase one, however it was out of stock. I was looking through other cheek stains until I saw another one from EB, the Ever Bilena Evera Blush Glow. Unlike the lip and cheek stain, this one comes in two different products, one for blush and the other one for the lips. The price is very cheap, got it at P80 so I didn't even hesitate, not one bit. I only bought the blush glow since I do not really fancy pink or pink stained lips and I will not buy something for the sake of review that I am not going to use. Hashtag fail blogger. LOL

After a few days, I was able to find the cheek and lip stain at another Watsons Store and I got it for P135. I love the packaging and I definitely couldn't wait to get my hands on it at home.

Here are some swatches and quick comparisons between the blush glow and the lip and cheek stain.

I took the following photos after I washed my hands, so you'll see which is more long lasting. 


  • It is cheap and readily available.
  • It smells like strawberry, if you don't like sweet strawberries you might not approve
  • Small pinch of the product goes a long way
  • Packaging is cute and handy (its color pink)
  • Its long lasting, even when I sleep and wash my face I can still see its glow (or maybe I just don't wash it enough? lol)
  • Its color is natural and perfect for that "I saw my crush and I'm blushing" look

  • It's tricky to apply. During my first try I looked like a geisha (whut???)
  • It's hard to blend once you apply it on your skin.
  • It's a little bit sticky at first (well, I don't really mind it)
  • It's hard to remove or wash off.


  • It is cheap and readily available
  • It is easy to blend.
  • It's packaging is handy and travel friendly.
  • It is long lasting, but the blush glow is longer lasting I guess.
  • It's darker in color compared to blush glow, more like reddish
  • Its dual purpose (lips and cheeks duuuh)
  • It smells like jellyace!

  • It's bitter in taste when you apply it on your lips.
  • It washes off easily than the blush glow



Taken after I slept for about a few hours, still have that glow on me.


Cheek stain lol pardon my awkward face, this was taken after work and I was dead wasted.


  • Blush glow 9/10
  • Lip and Cheek Stain 9/10

I can say that both of Ever Bilena's lip and cheek stain and blush glow are good catches, considering the price and it's long lasting effect compared to high end brands. I wake up and I still have that color on my face which is really good as well. So far I didn't have any irritations on the product nor breakouts. I can suggest the blush glow if you like pink more than a reddish flush since the stain is darker in color.

Who do I recommend it to? Mostly girls out there on the run and wanted something light and easy to apply on the face.

Will I buy it again? YES DEFINITELY. I am a sucker for inexpensive but quality makeup products, so this is a must in my makeup kit. Also given my pale zombie face, a blush will definitely be a necessity!


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