Movie Review: Where is Amazing Amy? (Gone Girl)

My friend was raving about Gone Girl on Facebook recently, she was ranting about how great and intelligently done the movie is, so it really made me curious. I watched the trailer, I downloaded the movie (oopsie) and I have one word, AMAZING.

Her love was sweet as sugar

"The website is"

To begin with, the movie is about a case of a missing wife, Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike) and her husband Nick (Ben Affleck). It may seem predictable to think that he killed his wife. Their marriage is not at it's best. There was even a scene where Nick's twin Margo found a box of hate that Nick has about Amy, which was kind of funny but no. Nick even had an affair with his student, Andi Fitzgerald, which was played by Emily Ratajkowski. Well as a spoiler, NO he did not kill anyone. Yes he is a cheater, but he did not kill Amy. 

Emily, why so beautiful? She reminds me of Kendall Jenner. 
She is also the dancer in Blurred Lines MV.

Okay.. So given that he did not kill his wife, it may be again predictable that Amy is still alive and probably the one who framed up Nick on the crime and wants him to be sentenced lethal injection.YUP it's all right. She did frame up Nick but the how the movie ended is something that you won't expect. It was really twisted and fucked up but it was great, really great. I even told my sister, I'll be Amy Dunne if I went crazy so you know what you'll do. 

What I am actually looking for in a movie, is something unpredictable, something you can't really expect or guess, something unusual. This movie pitched it all. One thing I don't like about Filipino movies, is that story plot is always, if not, most of the time predictable, expected or boring. I want something that would hang other people when you tell them about it like, "what happened next?", "how did it end?" and you will not tell the answer (*insert evil laugh*). In specific terms the movie also grossed $167,122,000 in US and $362,679,000 in other countries against a budget of $61 million. What a baaaam?!

Rosamund Pike nominated Best Actress for Golden Globe Award

The casting was also great. I like the fact that they chose Rosamund Pike as Amy. They wanted someone who haven't had any major roles yet, someone who would be known for Gone Girl. Well she did a really good job and I will personally remember her as crazy amazing Amy Dunne. She was even nominated for a lot of awards for this movie. Ben is also great, he did a really great job portraying the lazy jobless husband, really effortless hahaha kidding Ben! Overall, I love the casting, from major roles up to detectives and even slutty mistress (Emily Ratajkowski). I am not a great critic on movies or casting or setting, but for a normal person I found the movie great and physically appealing to my eyes. I mean it's not easy to pretend you're crazy and you think you're not, right?

Gone Girl went from gone to mad, like Gone Mad (pun intended). We may say that Amy is a sociopath or something disturbing but I think she symbolizes a part of ourselves that is lost. It is something that will happen if a person gets lost emotionally and everything around her reality changes. The things she loves to do, the marriage she envisage and the man of her dreams turns out to be completely lost. I am not saying that we'll get crazy, but there are things that we do, but we don't like to, when we are emotionally lost. 

The movie also tells that women can be as crazy and violent as men can. This is actually a good visualization of a man's nightmare. Okaaay so you guys out there, make sure not to cheat! You will never know what will happen in your relationship with anyone. 

This movie is not just about suspense, but will also teach us how to value marriage and commitments, and regular checkups with a shrink (hahaha kidding). This movie is great, since I am a spoiler and I am probably late about the whole rage for this movie, I will.... not tell about the ending. Better watch it, if you did or if you have already, let me know!


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