Movie Review: You can't get rid of The Babadook

My sister loves to find unusual movies and read the plot in Wikipedia, but won't watch it (yes uhuh). Last week, she mentioned the movie "The Babadook" to me during breakfast. I always loved her stories even when I was little, I would even push her to narrate The Saw to me. So to make the story short, I downloaded the movie and decided to scare myself.

The Babadook is an Australian movie, about a single mother, Amelia (Essie Davis) and her cute but disturbed 7 year old son Samuel (Noah Wiseman). Amelia has her own struggles as a single parent, especially being haunted by her past and how her husband brutally died when she was about to give birth to Samuel. She was so worn-out with raising Samuel alone and having problems with him at school since the child would often tells stories of a monster, coming to kill them. Samuel even got aggressive and consumed by his fears with monsters.

One night during bedtime, Samuel picked up a book in their shelf, which was "The Babadook". Amelia started to read it and realized how freaking scary and creepy the book is. A series of sinister happened after they read the book. She tried destroying the book but it kept on coming back, this time getting creepier. Samuel on the other hand, was a really smart boy. He made some weapons and trap when he was preparing for the monster to come, not knowing he will be using it for his mom!

The ending was both good and creepy since Amelia finally was able to accept the love that she and her son deserves and move on, but what she did inside the basement is something really creepy and very deep to interpret. Go see the movie and find out, you know I have a thing for unusual and unpredictable endings so here you go! If you have, well let me know!

I was so freaking scared with the movie and I even had weird nightmares after I watched it. I am a real scaredy cat and coward (my biggest nightmare is Chuckie). When I was a kid I hated the darkness and silence, so I cannot sleep not unless there is someone talking in the background. Since the babadook is something that will creep you before you sleep, it really did a good job in scaring the hell out of me, especially the sound "ba-ba-dook-dook-dook".

The movie plot is really unusual and weird, and there would be a lot of interpretations for it. Well, for me the babadook isn't really a monster "I will eat you" creature, I think it is a person's fear and manifests on it. Amelia was haunted by her husband's death, and I felt like the babadook manifested his husband's appearance (the coat and hat). It fed on her depression and she was haunted by her own fears.

Overall Rating:

scariness 8/10
story 7/10
casting 7/10
setting 7/10

sorry lol


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